Trends In Restaurant Business
N.S. Rodionova, E. V. Saturday.
Restored business is modern and development trends. Monograph. Voronez: Voronez, N.A., 2009. - 226 s.
Restored business today is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. The publication is perhaps the first in which attempts have been made to systematize, comprehensively and fully analyse the history of development, current challenges, modern trends and laws of nutrition development.
The authenticity of the publication is clear. Along with many work on the history of food development, current trends in technology and catering, there is a sharp shortage of quality teaching and scientific literature on this issue.
Monographers - Rodionova Natalia Sergeyevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Applied Biotechnology, FGBOU, Voronez State University of Engineering Technology, and Subbotin Helena Victorovna, Director of the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality (RGUTIC). The authors successfully combine administrative work with scientific and pedagogical work,
Current view of the state and trends of restaurant business
Sultaeva N. L.
which explains the successful presentation of material that makes it accessible to educators, students, postgraduates, hospitality workers and a wide range of readers.
The structure of the monograph submitted to the review is logical, the conclusions and recommendations are well founded, organically derived from the presentation. There is an integrated, systematic analysis of multiple sources, both traditional teaching, scientific, public and periodical press and a wide range of Internet resources, on the subject.
11 chapters have been identified in the monograph, which have consistently addressed the following issues: development of restaurants In Russia and abroad, the typology and trends of the restaurant market, the basis for analysis of the typology of the restaurant market, the classification, the characteristics of individual types of restaurant business. The authors allocate the following main segments of the restaurant market:
Mobile enterprises (Street-food);
- Fast-food, Fast-drink;
- restaurants and dining rooms (feeding facilities with self-serving lines or self-mealing area);