Academy Of Restaurant Business
2 June
EDUANT International Educational Corporation hosted the International Friendship Forum, attended by children from Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey
Almost 150 schoolchildren and escorts from Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey arrived at the International Forum of Solar Antalya Friendship. The Forum was organized by the International Educational Corporation EDUANT.
4 May
International Federation of Tourism, Culture and Sports in Antalya
The International Federation of Tourism, Culture and Sports, organized by the Academy of Tourism in Antalya, was opened on 26 June 2017.
23 March
International Academy of Tourism has entered into a partnership with the International Institute of Management of Switzerland IMI
In March 2017, the Academy of Turism in Antalia concluded a partnership with the International Institute of Management of Switzerland IMI (International Management Institute Switzerland).
8 March
Russian-Turkish volleyball match for 8 March
On the first Saturday of March, the prefabricated team of teachers and students of the International Russian Pansion School met at the EDU Educational Corporation ' s professional sports field with a team of the Turkish College Doğa Koleji.
23 February
The new Consul General of the Russian Federation in Antalya visited the International Educational Corporation EDUANT
At the beginning of the year, the International Educational Corporation EDUANT, composed of the Academy of Turism, the College of Tourism, the International Russian School and the Lumpooo kindergarten, visited the new Consul-General of the Russian Federation in Antalia Oleg Vasilievich Rogoza.
19 February
Representatives of the Moscow House of Nationalities visited the International Educational Corporation EDUANT
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